Henna Ingredients – What you need to make your own henna paste.

To mix henna paste all you need is pure ingredients that are safe and natural. Ingredients used in mixing henna are as follows:

  • 100 grams Henna Powder
  • 40 grams Sugar
  • 30 ml Essential Oil
  • Lemon Juice/Distilled Water/Rose Water

Natural Henna Powder

  • Body Art Quality – Triple (or more) shifted.
  • Ingredients – Contains 100% henna only, no added dye.
  • Colour – Khaki Green. If mix with water and green liquid is formed that indicated that coloring has been added and it is not pure powder.
  • Freshness – Manufactured recently. More recent manufactured are more fresh and yield better stain. Brown colour powder may be too old to give a good stain.
  • Smell – Smells grassy
  • Storage – Air tight, protected from light and moisture. If not using for long, air seal and store in freezer.


  • Sugar is used to help henna paste stick better on skin. Sugar also helps to get a smooth silky paste.
  • Adding sugar helps the paste to crack less.
  • Sugar quantity is depending on humidity. More sugar on humid days and less on dry days.

Essential oil

  • Used as terps to help release dye in henna powder for darker stain.
  • Essential oil has to be 100% pure.
  • Essential oil that stain great is Lavender, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus and Cajeput.
  • For children and pregnant women only Lavender EO is used instead to prevent skin irritation.

Lemon Juice/ Water

  • Room Temperature with ph. 7.0 or less.
  • Acidic liquid like lemon juice releases stain much longer compare to water but the stains last longer on the skin.
  • Water (distilled or purified) releases stain faster but the stain does not last longer on the skin compare to acidic liquid.
  • For individual that are prone to skin allergies avoid using lemon juice as it is acidic and may cause skin irritation, instead use Rose Water.